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SBMAQ 2023 – Supporting QLD School Business Managers

At Technology Core, we attend many education and business conferences so that we can show how strongly we believe that we can make a difference with what we do in schools and offices. They are our chance to actually speak with the people who can make changes within their organisations so we take the shows seriously, and also have some fun on the way.

This post from our Sales Director, Andy Penman, talks about the week he just had on the sunny Queensland Gold Coast at the SBMAQ or the School Business Managers Association Queensland with our Queensland partners Queensland Computers.

Andy Penman at the SBMAQ 2023 conference

This week we spent 4 days in the Gold Coast with 700 + School Business Managers from across Queensland.

It was fascinating to discuss with them how they see their investments in classroom-based technology paying off and to hear firsthand how different approaches have worked with various levels of success.

In speaking with most of the wonderful delegates we met we found the following:

They reported that their current front of class tech surprisingly consists of these two options :

  1. The traditional white board and projector model (IWBs)
  2. A large non-interactive coupled with an Apple TV device


Most BYOD classrooms have iPads utilised for student use (hence the Apple TV) where the teachers are predominantly using a Windows device of some flavour for their main instruction.

SBMAQ2023 delegates

During the show, we were able to discuss how HDi is supplying interactive touchscreens to this sector with a ‘training first’ style approach for teachers.

This is opening up the possibilities for the teachers’  to use  their own Windows devices on the touch-screens without having to re-learn a new operating system.

Plus, with in-built streaming applications like the Airserver app readily available on the screen, we can move away from the need to operate an Apple TV or other streaming device to achieve screen mirroring.

Our Learning with HDi channel was an instant hit with this group who had never seen YouTube being inked over, immersive reader, ink and capture on Google Earth and so much more.  The list of possibilities is endless and mostly importantly very simple once you know how, with just a little direction.

With the correct training model in place (see our Learning with HDi) we can successfully help to change these classroom practices and open the worlds of Microsoft, Apple and Google to interactivity on large format screens.

We really enjoyed our week in Queensland, and we hope that those we met with could see the possibilities available to them by integrating an interactive screen into their classrooms (hopefully a HDi edge 2.0 screen!).


A massive thanks to the team at Queensland Computers for the support and space during the week. It was a pleasure being at the show with you all.

Some of the great food at the show.

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Peter Merrick

Peter Merrick

Born able to speak, Peter is a gifted orator who can impart wisdom with a wit and gravitas that has made him the darling of the technical education set. Peter has an extensive background in working in roles that he made his own and became a legend amongst his peers.

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